
The secret to deeper groin stretches

Konnichiwa ✨ Today's mini-advice is about stretching the groin. If you sit in a chair or are hunched over for a long time you may feel like your groin area is blocked and you'll probably have the urge to stretch 😅 We're often told by magazines and social media that it's important to stretch out the groin... But, what they don't tell you is that if a certain area is stiff you won't be able to achieve a deep stretch. In this video I'll share with you which part of your body that is and what to do ✨ If you would like to join in a lesson or you […]

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Muscle training vs using muscle strength

Konnichiwa 😊 When you feel that you don't have enough muscle strength is your first thought to do muscle training? While training may increase your muscle mass in specific areas it is not connected to making it easier for your body to move (muscle strength does not equal mobility). Knowing how to "use" your muscle strength is important otherwise you'll become stiff and have difficulty moving 😅 I give some tips on what to do in the video, so I hope you find it helpful ✨   You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Trick to reduce back pain and improve your posture! 

Konnichiwa ✨ Today's mini-advice is about body adjustments that will naturally improve your posture and reduce back pain 😌 In today's video we are talking about the adjustment of your "sacrum". The sacrum is not a part that moves a lot, but it is actually a very important part of your body ✨ If you want to naturally improve your posture, or if your back pain does not improve easily even after stretching and exercising, I hope you will find this video useful 😌 You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Improve your balance ✨

Konnichiwa! Today's mini-advice is about the steps you can take to improve balance. Whether you're doing balance poses in yoga or trying to improve your axis of balance when turning in dance, what everyone thinks they need to do often is muscle training and core training...However, instead of training, I'm here to share easier ways to achieve great balance such as tuning your hip joints and ankles. I hope you will find this video helpful♪ If you want to improve your balance by working with your body, we look forward to your participation in our future seminars, workshops, and lessons! You need to be logged in to view the rest […]

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Sculpt a beautiful supple body! Even if you do muscle training?!

Sculpt a beautiful supple body! Even if you do muscle training?! Konnichiwa 😊 Today's mini-advice is about the secret to a beautiful, long, supple body ✨ I am often asked, "Why is it that my body lines are not beautiful even though I am doing my best to exercise and train?" 😥 There is actually a difference between gaining muscle strength through muscle training 💪 and sculpting a "beautiful body that can move using its deep muscles" Please watch this video to find out more! You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Dehydration causes dizziness! And how to prevent it

Konnichiwa Lately I've had many clients come in complaining of dizziness and virtigo so in today's video I'd like to share my advice on how to prevent it. Some people simply just aren't drinking enough water so I'd like to stress the importance of staying hydrated as well as share the areas where I think it's important to loosen ✨(not stretch!) You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Is Pilates actually good for you?

Konnichiwa ✨ In today's mini-advice I'd like to answer some common questions I get regarding pilates... Recently, there has been an increase in the number of Pilates studios (especially machine Pilates), and I've been receiving questions such as "Can I lose weight if I do Pilates?" and "Is Pilates good for my health?" more often than usual... In this video I share what I think is most important! You'd be surprised at how many people end up with back pain or knee pain because of yoga and Pilates! But, luckily the solution is to actually check the condition of your body before doing those exercises 😊. I hope you enjoy […]

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My secret to a supple spine!

Konnichiwa! Today's mini-advice is about how to create a supple back✨ Do you do yoga poses, stretching a exercises for the spine in order to loosen your back?😲 There's actually a much more effective way to achieve this! In this video I talk about what to do first and what is important so please watch it and let me know how it goes for you😊 You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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The secret to walking beautifully

In this morning's lesson I received very positive feedback from a client who said "I noticed that the way I walk has changed a lot from the past. Now I walk beautifully!"So I'd like to share some of my walking secrets with you today✨ If you've attented walking classes with minimal results or you'd personally like to improve the way you walk I hope you'll find this video useful😊 We will also be holding a workshop on tuning the body to walk beautifully "1DAY Beauty Activity for Women!" which will be held on June 23rd, so if this is something you'd be interested in, we'd love to have you join […]

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Slimmer legs! ✨ Plus pro tips for dance and sports

Konnichiwa! Today's mini-advice focuses on below the knee 😊 If you have difficulty toning/slimming down your legs even though you exercise or massage them this video is for you! If you're a dancer, play sports or simply want to improve your balance this is for you too! We don't really take the time to think about what goes on below our knees so I hope this video will give you an opportunity to reconsider how you use your body 😌 You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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