Make stretching easier! Bonus tip for stretching using a resistance band

Konnichiwa 😊 In this morning's lesson, my clients used a resistance band to aid with stretching after not stretching for a long time, but before stretching I had something important to share with them which I would love to share with you too✨ In this video, I talk about stretching using a resistance band to stretch the hamstrings and back of the legs 😊 Of course, it is important to relax your body, but there are Tuning methods that you can do to prepare your body before stretching. Watch this video to learn more! 😌 You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log […]

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The best way to reduce swelling while flying

I went to Australia the other day, and I took advantage of the opportunity to sit on a plane for a long time 😁. I experimented to see how I could sit comfortably for long periods of time without my body swelling. In the video, I talk about the improvements I made to the hip joints, shoulder joints, shoulder blades, sacrum, etc., so I'd be happy if you could use this as a reference to help you the next time you find yourself sitting for long periods of time.   You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join […]

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Make forward bend easier!

◆Hako's mini advice Make forward bend easier! ↓ Watch Hako's mini advice video velow.   You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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What is the cause of back pain? It is also important to check your own condition

Konnichiwa! Today's mini advice is about lower back pain✨ Recently I had a couple clients with lower back pain come to my lessons, so I made this video to share with you some useful information when dealing with such pain🎵 There are various causes of lower back pain, but today we will be talking about the sacrum✨ Watch this video to see how you might be able to ease your lower back pain!   You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Are you using your feet correctly?

Konnichiwa 😃 Today's mini advice is about "feet and toes"😊 Not only for those who find it difficult to rise, but also for those who feel unstable when walking, are concerned about bunions, or have stiff ankles. If this applies to you I would recommend checking out the condition of your feet and toes. Watch this video to find out how! You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Improve your posture easily ✨

Hello 😃 Today's mini advice is a surprising method for better posture 😊 When people want to improve their posture, the first thing they tend to think about is "working hard'' to improve their abdominal muscles and back muscles. Of course, the muscles that support your body are important, but there are quicker and easier ways to improve your posture! Check out this video to find out how You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Upper back fat!

Konnichiwa 😊 Today's mini advice is about the meaty area on your upper back😁 I mentioned before that when you move your arms from your shoulder blades, you naturally use your back, so I'd like to add another important finding with you today ✨ If you have a rounded back or slumped chest please watch this video as I'm sure it will help! 😌💓 You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Are your legs different lengths?

Konnichiwa! Today's mini advice is about the difference in the length of the left and right legs and how pelvic adjustment can help! ✨ There are surprisingly many people who are concerned about the difference in the length of their legs 😅 So, what should you do? I discussed this in this morning's lesson with my clients, and we tried adjusting our pelvis together 😊 the results were instant! If you would like to take a lesson with us, please join us at the Mitsukoshi Culture Salon or at our studio, Lithe Life Studio ✨ You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log […]

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How to use your body to avoid lower back pain

Konnichiwa! Today's mini advice is recommended for people who suffer with lower back pain 😊 There are various causes but it's mainly caused by how you use your body on a daily basis like being able to move without putting stress on your lower back when walking, climbing stairs, or lifting your legs. For a more detailed look into what I'm talking about please enjoy this video!   You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Worried about Forward Head Posture?

Konnichiwa! Today's mini advice is about how to prevent forward head posture. If this is something you're worried about you probably think focusing on your neck and shoulder area will solve the problem 😅 Of course, it is important to loosen your stiff neck and shoulders, but it's also important to think about WHY you are putting strain on your neck in the first place and treat the root cause. In this video, I talk about the "why" so I hope you find it helpful 😌✨   You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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